This film I produced and narrated for Nature tells the story of how a bloody beginning gave rise to the life-saving medication, warfarin. This anticoagulant is one of the worlds most widely prescribed drugs and its history is littered with the bodies of sick cows and poisoned rats...
VIDEO: The Story of Zero
Here's a short animation I wrote and produced with animator / illustrator Andrew Khosravani. The piece is narrated by Hannah Fry and tells the story of how zero became a number. We were very happy about it getting a "Staff Pick" on Vimeo!
The scripting for the piece was tricky, it took several weeks to wrap our heads around the subject and then boil a significant amount of history down into around 3 minutes... inevitably details had to be cut and even after recording the voice-over with Hannah we had to make some difficult decisions to make further cuts. All in the name of reducing animation time - which was significant for a piece like this - Andrew did an incredible job!
Oh and the chapter numbers are obviously all in binary.
VIDEO: The Risks of The Everyday - with Jared Diamond
Recent animation that explores how the lifestyles of far-removed cultures can impact the way we think about our own lives
Read MoreVideo: X-rays reveal dance of electrons!
New research freezes the rapid movement of electrons
Read MoreVideo: Why science is NOT 'Just a Theory'
Have you ever heard ‘evolution’ dismissed as ‘just a theory’? Is a scientific theory no different to the theory that Elvis is still alive? Jim Al-Khalili puts the record straight.
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